President Obama says he wants to put the money into programs that will pay off in the long run, such as a plan to overhaul the nation's health care system to guarantee availability and affordability. 奥巴马总统说,他要把钱花在那些从长远来看能够取得成功的项目上,比如大力调整国家保健系统的计划,以确保人们既能随时获得医疗保健服务,而且能够负担得起。
Along with the large units being successively put into operation in our country, the present overhaul system of units is not compatible with the needs of reform and development on the power market. 随着现代化大型机组的不断投运,现阶段的机组检修体制已不适应电力市场改革和发展的需要,先进的机组设备需要先进的维修管理体制。
Due to a large number of old network, as well as some of the ground that were put into production a few years lines, substation grounding grid failure, power system had to invest a lot of money to carry out ground network overhaul and transformation. 随着大量老旧接地网以及部分新投产几年的线路、变电站接地网不合格,电网不得不投入大量资金进行接地网的大修、改造。